George Got a Puppy (Or News)

Since I last posted I officially moved to Michigan, my dad died, I made a movie, I moved my mom into memory care*… and I got a puppy.

I’m still lost when it comes to my career overall, but I enjoy being a stay at home dog mom so there’s that.

His name is Neville, and we love him.

This photo was taken in August when I brought Neville home. My grass was green, my hydrangeas were in bloom, and my joy wasn’t dormant like everything in Michigan winter.

Winter blues aside, Neville is getting to be a big man, and he’s one of the best things ever to happen to George and me.

Butts make the best pillows.

*I don’t intend to trivialize these events by any means, but tonight I’m too tired to tackle their full emotional weight.

I’m just proud of myself for getting in front of a computer and pretending to write.

Yay dogs!